About MMA

A history of helping Minnesota State Supervisors

Middle Management Association (“MMA”) is an independent unaffiliated public employee union which represents almost 3000 supervisors employed by the State of Minnesota.

In 1981, the State Legislature with the approval of the Governor rewrote the public sector law (Minnesota Statutes Section 179A.01-.40).

In the rewritten law the Legislature defined the allowable bargaining units for State employees. One of these units was called the “Supervisory Employees Unit.” Soon after passage of this law, MMA filed for an election asking to be chosen as the representative of all State supervisors in all agencies at all levels. In the election that followed, State supervisors voted overwhelmingly for representation and selected MMA to be their exclusive representative.

Since that election, MMA has negotiated fifteen successive collective bargaining agreements.

MMA achieved a significant wage equity increase in bargaining for all supervisors in the early years, and in subsequent contracts was the first State Association to negotiate a deferred compensation match, and after prior years of MMA effort, we were instrumental in establishing the health care savings plan in the 2001 special legislative session and was the first State labor union to participate in the health care savings plan, the first to provide a vacation conversion to deferred compensation benefit, and negotiated annual progression where previously it had taken two years to get an additional step beyond the midpoint.

MMA also has successfully negotiated a different severance pay formula that produced higher severance benefits for the bargaining unit employees.

As the third largest State labor union, MMA takes pride in providing vigorous representation for supervisors.

We continue to negotiate for fair wages and health insurance benefits, and to represent supervisors in all areas that affect the terms and conditions of their employment.

As a labor partner with the State, MMA represents supervisors’ interests at joint labor management committee meetings and at meet and confers.

MMA represents supervisors in disciplinary investigations, grievance meetings, and arbitrations.