Getting to Know Greg Snyder...Board Member

Jul 25, 2016 2:21:52 PM

Greg Snyder is a DNR Bemidji Area Forestry Supervisor and has been with the State of Minnesota since November 2010. Greg has been with MMA for 3 years and joined the MMA Board of Directors in January 2016.

When Greg was hired as a supervisor, he was encouraged by another member to join and after hearing the benefits he became a full member. He feels that MMA’s purpose is to negotiate for fair compensation and good working conditions for supervisors employed by the State. The best support MMA can give their members is to negotiate fair compensation and help resolve people issues in the work place.

One piece of advice Greg would give to current MMA members is to learn the MMA contract and develop working relationships with other supervisors.

Greg loves to be outdoors when he is not working! His wife is a school social worker and his son is at the U of M in the engineering program; his daughter is in 8th grade and is a cello player. Greg also plays the guitar in the Lutheran Church worship band.

A different point of view he would like to share is: ‘My brother-in-law is a supervisor for the State of Michigan. He thinks it is crazy that Minnesota has a union for supervisors. I think it is great!’

Topics: Membership, MMA News

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