Getting to Know Shawn Donais...Board Member

Sep 12, 2016 1:19:47 PM

Shawn Donais is a DNR Parks and Trails Area Supervisor and has been with the State of Minnesota for 22 years. Shawn joined the MMA Board of Directors two years ago. His interest was sparked after attending several DNR Local meeting. One of the DNR Local Officers drew Shawn’s interest in MMA and persuaded him to get involved.

Shawn sees one of the primary purposes of MMA, is to organize supervisors for job related representation. Unlike other unions, MMA does not have Union Stewards and relies on supervisors to step forward when agencies are requesting MMA representation on agency committees and task forces. We are challenged being the Middle Management of State agencies, departments and divisions in that we often have pressures on us from both sides. We supervise AFSCME, MAPE, and even other MMA employees. Our roles and responsibilities are diverse. MMA provides support in times of conflict, advice with complicated situations, and representation in the critical role of labor negotiations. MMA has the important role of keeping its members informed on employee issues and it needs, help and involvement from its members to do so.

Shawn’s message to current MMA members is to take some time away from work meetings to talk with your fellow supervisors. Many of us who work out state may be the only MMA Supervisor at our work location. Reach out to each other, get to know each other and be a supportive resource to our fellow members.

In Shawn’s spare time he likes to kayak, garden, help with his daughters’ school sports teams, and encourage people to experience the outdoors.

Topics: Membership, MMA News

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