Getting to Know...Jamie DeAtley, Board Member

Mar 1, 2017 8:08:54 AM

Jamie DeAtley has been an employee with the State since June 2001. Currently she is a Group Supervisor in Security Services at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program in St. Peter.

Jamie decided to become involved with MMA because she wanted to learn more about the union and felt like she could contribute to the association. Jamie feels the primary purpose of MMA is to support and protect its members. She thinks MMA can do this by clear and open communication.

Advice she would give other members is ask questions and don’t be afraid to get involved. The story Jamie shares below illustrates this point.

Jamie was elected Treasurer at her first MMA Local meeting a little over two years ago. This was probably due to all four Local Officer positions being vacant and the low number of members in attendance. Since then, the Local Officers and Jamie have worked together to increase attendance by seeking feedback and catering to the preferences of the members. Since MMA represents supervisors that presents a challenge. “Being a supervisor means we all have responsibilities limiting our ability to take time to attend meetings. This is why we work so hard to accommodate the needs of our members, making sure meetings are convenient, meaningful and enjoyable.”

Jamie has two grown children who are 19 and 20. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, living on the lake and spending time with family and friends.

Topics: Membership

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