MMA Board takes action on Tentative Agreement reached with the State of MN!

Sep 1, 2017 10:07:20 AM

After months of negotiations, the MMA bargaining team reached a Tentative Agreement with the State for a two-year agreement. The MMA Board met at 4:30 pm on August 30, 2017 and unanimously voted to recommend ratification of the Tentative Agreement to the members.

The full details of the Tentative Agreement will be arriving in the mail to full dues paying members next week. The Tentative Agreement includes 2.0% in wages given on July 1st  of 2017 and 2.25% July 1st of 2018.

MMA was also heavily involved in the Joint Coalition of State unions that began discussions with the State about health insurance this spring. Thus the health insurance provisions mirrors the settlements in AFSCME and MAPE. Deductibles, Co-pays and Out of Pocket amounts are unchanged. The percentage of Employer/Employee contributions to the premium are unchanged. There were some improvements to the health insurance plan itself, for example Convenience clinics, like Virtue-well, will now have NO co-pay. Dental coverage greatly increased and premium dollars increased some as a result. 

For the first time in many years the Tentative Agreement also includes an increase in the Deferred Comp match from $300 to $325 per fiscal year.

Substantive agreements were made in the following Agency supplements: Commerce, DNR, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities, Public Safety, and Tourism.

Several inequities were addressed and the State will continue to look at several other classifications.

Along with the details of the settlement, ballots and voting instructions will be sent to Full members via US Mail, by the end of this week.

Fair Share members who join by September 18, 2017 will also be able to get a ballot and further details by US Mail.

To be counted all ballots must be received at the MMA office by September 26th at 4:30 p.m.

If the contract is ratified by MMA members, it still must be presented to the legislative subcommittee to approve.

Topics: Contract, Bargaining/Legislative Updates

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