Legislative Update

Dec 28, 2015 11:28:59 AM

1) Minnesota recently received some positive news via a December revenue forecast. It predicts significantly more than $1billion in new revenues than are presently budgeted. It is important to understand that this is a forecast based on the current rate of tax collections and analysis of the State's economy and is not money in the bank. Another revenue forecast will arrive in March playing a pivotal role in the unusually short 2016 legislative session’s deliberations.

2) Talks continue between the Governor and Legislative Leadership concerning a possible a special session on a variety of issues most particularly an extension of Worker's Compensation benefits in respect to layoffs on the iron range.

3) While legislative matters have now taken a short break for the current holidays come this January there will be a gradual quickening of the pace in preparations for the start of the 2016 session beginning on March 8th. The later than usual session start date is caused by the closure of the Capitol building necessitated by the restoration of the 111 year old architectural icon of State government.

4) Among the important issues facing the 2016 legislative session will be the ratification of a variety of State employee contracts including the Middle Management contract. We expect all of those contracts to be a significant issue at the close of the session in May. Other major issues will be the State's bonding bill, tax policy and transportation funding.

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